Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm a GRINDER?! Never Been Told You Grind?

We try to write articles that are relevant to our patients. We have had many patients lately that have never been told they grind their teeth. Other dentists have passed it off in the past as something that just happens and that nothing can be done about it. But in fact, there is a great way to protect your teeth and jaw muscles with an appliance called an occlusal guard, also known as a night guard or bite guard.

Occlusal guards are made of rigid materials with laboratory-processed acrylic. They are generally made to be worn over the biting surfaces of either the upper or lower teeth, and are easily inserted and removed by the patient. The lower guard seems to be more comfortable for most of our patients.

Occlusal guards accomplish three main functions:
- They evenly distribute bite forces to protect the teeth from stresses that can crack or wear them abnormally
- Pthey protect the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) from excessive bite stress that can produce pain and dysfunction
- Reduce the heavy forces generated by the jaw-closing muscles.

If you have fillings or crowns and have a grinding habit, you are putting your dentistry and investments at risk. You may not even know that you grind at night but Dr. Porter can tell! We take impressions at your first appointment and then get you back in a week or so to deliver the permanent guard. These are very short appointments and can be combined with a cleaning! And be careful not to just pick one up at the local big box store or drugstore because those will most likely make your grinding habits exacerbated and can cause more damage than good! Call our office to set up and appointment or have any questions answered. Insurance usually covers a good part of these appliances and we can help you break up the payments if need be.

704-544-5330 of

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